Where Empathy meets Naturopathy to provide individualized, sustainable holistic health.
Where Empathy meets Naturopathy to provide individualized, sustainable holistic health.
Greetings, and welcome to Consciously Connected! My name is Jennifer Franklin, and I have a heart for the broken, which may consist of the physical, mental, or spiritual realm of brokenness – or all three. For most of us, it IS all three, because they are all three connected and influence each other. The trinity that makes us human is best captured by the Japanese, who refer to it as Kokoro, meaning, the connection of mind, body, and spirit - being indivisible from one another. For this reason, for over a decade, I have explored how to holistically assist humans and their animal companions, in total healing.
On a more intimate front, I am a nurturer by nature. I am a proud mother of two beautiful daughters, one biological and one adopted. I am blessed to have them call me Mom. I am also a mother to a multitude of fur animals. Under our rescue organization, Reagan and Rowan’s Rescue, we take in special needs, bonded pairs, and senior dogs from kill shelters. We have also rescued horses, goats, and pigs, all previously destined for slaughter. Additionally, we care for a few dozen feral cats.
Professionally, for the better part of my life, my career has been in Raw Materials Procurement, where I have served (and continue to serve) as a Director for a steel mill. During this tenure, I have acquired my Doctorate of Business with a concentration in Strategic Management. It was also during this time that I recognized that many of us are walking around in our myopic little worlds, damaged by past emotional, mental, and physical hurts, and ultimately not living our best life. While my Doctorate of Business afforded me the knowledge to optimize my procurement and management skillset, it did not equip me to optimize my full potential – the potential to be a better company steward and the potential to do my heart’s work - healing. When you are feeling your best, you are doing your best. The two feed upon each other – not necessarily a concept you absorb in a business program.
For that reason, I began a decade long search to find myself and discover my life purpose. This search led me down many paths, but interestingly enough, they are no less intertwined than our body, mind and spirit. After acquiring many certificates in Animal Healing, including but not limited to: Small Animal Massage, Animal Acupressure, Animal Behavior, Flower Essences for Animals, Animal Reiki and Communication, and Veterinarian Assistant and Grooming, I shifted my primary focus to humans, while simultaneously continuing my animal rescue and animal healing efforts. Knowing that there just had to be “more,” to this earthly life beyond what I have learned in school and church, I signed up for a Doctorate program in Metaphysical Sciences. While I am a Christian by faith, I also believe that there are a number of concentrations and studies that are available to expand your horizon and help accompany you on your personal journey of growth and transformation. As a Christian, like most others, I have the capacity to believe in the intangible. However, I am not a huge risk taker, and for that reason, I am most likely to gravitate toward subjects and modalities that can produce a tangible outcome – that can be substantiated by science in some for or fashion, or I have had personal and sustainable success with. Within the Metaphysical world of treasures, I found myself drawn to Astrology, Crystal Chakra Healing, and Reiki. Following my Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences, I sought after concentrated certification in each. At that time, I felt I had a solid understanding in these fields in order to make a difference. However, it still felt shallow and incomplete. I could now skillfully assist others with a lifeline to their past, present and future through Astrology, as well as help correct energies with crystals and Reiki energy healing, but I found myself with no trades to correct more of the physical imbalances and ailments people are often plagued with. For that reason, I next entered a Doctorate of Naturopathy. This program opened my eyes to a plethora of holistic healing options that until that point, I had really only read about and experimented with from time to time. This program educated me in the likes of iridology, sclerology, homeopathy, herbology, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, reflexology, vitamin and mineral therapy, and the list goes on. While taking my Doctorate in Naturopathy, I was also exposed to Ayurvedic Medicine. This several thousand-year-old medicinal philosophy deeply resonated with me, so I decided to also delve into it deeper and am currently working on a Doctorate in Ayurvedic Medicine. Now having expansive knowledge of the energy/spirit body and the internal physical body, I felt that the only missing link in the trifecta of holistic education was the external physical body. As a result, I signed up for the 200-hour Yoga program in Ashtanga, followed by the 300-hour Yoga program in Yin Yoga. I also obtained my 95-hour certificate in Kid’s Yoga, and am currently working on becoming a Yoga Therapist. Additionally, as my most recent venture, I have had the good fortune to find a fantastic Shamanic mentor that further assists me in my journey.
Why all of this education? For you. God is the sculptor and I am the clay. We only have one lifetime to make a difference in this world and there is a lot of difference to make. I have been led to use this cornucopia of holistic health education and experience to help you and your companion animal live the life you were born to live.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – “May the entire universe ever be filled with peace, joy, love, and light.”
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